How to use "Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition" with Orbiter

Download the "Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition" from the Microsoft's site
You need the "Windows 2003 Server SDK" too,
I use the "Microsoft Platform SDK for Windows Server 2003 R2" on XP.

To edit the resources it's necessary a text editor or a third part graphic editor;
very nice is the lcc-win32 one (free for non commercial use),
on the net you can easily find free and commercial ones.
Someone needs a manual edit of the .rc file after changes to remove not useful code.

You will find usefull to serf to
To do this work I started from

If you have a previous VC6 .dsp/.dsw project, starting it you'll get the question:
"The project 'Name.dsp' must be converted to the current Visual C++ project format" ... Convert and open this project?
Answer "Yes to All".

If in the Solution Explorer of VC2005Ex you see some .lib you may need to remove them if the linker do not find them;
use General/Additional Library Directories and Input/Additional Dependencies linker property to set the proper paths as described below

Change the properties of the project reflecting your needs, especially the INCLUDE and LIB paths
Remember to change the below "C:\Program files\..." and "C:\Orbiter\..." paths reflecting the ones in your installations

If fstream isn't found duplicate and rename the file fstream in fstream.h, it's in \Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\include\
or, alternatively, change in OrbiterAPI.h the #include <fstream.h> in #include <fstream>

Declarations inside the for loop must be moved outside, change for (int i = 0;... in
int i;
for (i = 0;...

Configuration Properties of the project:

"C/C++/General/Additional include directories" and
"*.rc file/Resources/Additional include directories":
"C:\Program files\Microsoft Platform SDK for Windows Server 2003 R2\Include";"C:\Orbiter\Orbitersdk\include"
add the path to additional include if needed

"Linker/General/Additional Library Directories":
"C:\Program files\Microsoft Platform SDK for Windows Server 2003 R2\Lib";"C:\Orbiter\Orbitersdk\lib"
add the path to additional libs if needed

"Linker/Input/Additional Dependencies":
user32.lib gdi32.lib DlgCtrl.lib orbiter.lib Orbitersdk.lib
you may not need some of user32.lib gdi32.lib DlgCtrl.lib, add additional libs if needed

"Linker/Input/Ignore Specific Libraries":
If you get a message like:
LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'msvcirt.lib'
You may need to list here the library to ignore, separated by semi-colon e.g.
msvcrt.lib; msvcirt.lib; libci.lib; libc.lib
Do not put all of them by default, follow the linker output; Debug and Release may have different libs to ignore Copyright (C) 2006, Rod @

All trademarks are own by the respective owners.

Updated on  11 June 2006